Are you suffering from email overload?

The average person spends 28% of the work week reading and responding to emails. This equates to 13 hours a week, and 650 hours a year. Consider how productive you could be if you had a few extra hours every week to focus on the projects that really matter.

It’s not just your professional life that suffers due to information overload. 59% of Americans say that they check their emails outside of office hours.

So what’s wrong with that?

Constant connection comes with a price. Even if you stay on top of your inbox, studies have found that constantly checking your email can lead to burnout, health issues, and personal problems. A work/life balance is essential to staying healthy — both physically and mentally. It’s a no-brainer that burnt-out, sick, and unhappy employees aren’t going to be at their best when it really matters.

While you might not be able to cut down the volume of emails that you receive from colleagues and clients, you can use a variety of tools, tips, and tricks to help you make your inbox more manageable.

One of the reasons why Gmail is preferred by individuals and corporations alike is due to Google’s attention to detail when it comes to features and functionalities. Many of these tips and techniques will require you to spend some time tinkering around with your settings. But once you’ve mastered some of these shortcuts and helpful hacks, you’ll save yourself from hours of wasted time.

Gmail Tips and Tricks Infographic

By optimizing your email account to work for you instead of against you, you can boost your productivity levels, get more work done, and reduce the risk of allowing an important email to slip through the cracks. Now that you’ve masted Gmail, check out our best Google Doc hacks and Google Calendar hacks to make your life easier!

Do you have any preferred methods for keeping your inbox manageable and tidy? Share them in the comment section below!